Upcoming Services & Regular Events
Open House - Clothing, household, toys & books
Mondays during term time 10am-2pm. £5 entry. Clothing, household, toys & books. Come and Choose What You Need
Contact the organiser on 07944 102 112 www.getridofit-donate.com
(You can also donate items, on Sundays in term time between 2 and 4pm)
Come & Join our Choir!
Our regular choir for children aged 6 to 16 meets Mondays 5pm to 6pm in Church. New members age 6 to 16 are welcome!
contact music@stfaithschurch.org for more information.
Free Youth Centre for young people in school years 7 to 13
Tuesdays 3-4pm in term time. Everyone in years 7 to 13 welcome. Free activities and safe space for young people. The XLP double decker or minibus will be parked nearby St Faith’s on Sunray Avenue.
Third Sunday of Epiphany
Young St Faith’s (Sunday school for primary aged children) meets during the service, returning in time for the Peace.
La Mision Anglicana latinoamericana
All are welcome. Refreshments will be served after the service.
Masses in Spanish will then take place on the first Saturday of each month at 6pm in St Faith's Church.
La Mision Anglicana latinoamericana
Masses in Spanish will take place on the first Saturday of each month at 6pm in St Faith's Church. All are Welcome.
Sunday Service 10.30am
Young St Faith’s (Sunday school for primary aged children) meets during the service, returning in time for the Peace.
Parish Mass
Young St Faith’s (Sunday school for primary aged children) meets during the service, returning in time for the Peace.
Christmas Day Parish Mass
With a visit from Father Christmas
image from: Christ in the Rubble, Kelly Latimore
Crib Service
All children are welcome to dress up and join in the fun!
image by Kelly Latimore
Carols by Candlelight
A traditional service of lessons and carols, followed by refreshments.
image by Kelly Latimore
Gaudete Sunday
We greatly look forward to welcoming The Bishop of Woolwich, The Rt Revd Alastair Cutting, to preach and preside for us.
Advent Sunday
We are delighted that Revd Jonathan Sedgwick, Archdeacon of Southwark, will be preaching for us.
Christ the King
All welcome, please stay for refreshments after the service.
(image: Mural at Christ the King, Sophiatown)
All Souls Service of Remembrance
Dear Friends, I am pleased to invite you to St Faith’s Church annual Service of Remembrance. An opportunity to remember those whom we love and see no longer, to pray for them, and to comfort one another in our grief.
Refreshments will follow the service, and all who wish to are invited to stay on for a simple Eucharist.
If you would like to hear names of your departed loved ones read out, please contact our parish admin by Tues 29th October office@stfaithschurch.org 020 7274 3924
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. (Ps23)
Yours with every good wish, Fr Nicholas Quanrud, Associate Priest.
Come & Sing Evensong
Please see our Come & Sing Evensong page to find out how you can get involved with this wonderful musical event here at St Faith's.
Patronal Festival
Join us to celebrate our Patron, St Faith. A Bring & share lunch follows, please bring a dish to share if you can.
Church on Sunday
All welcome each Sunday at 10.30am. Young St Faith’s continues during term time. Older children have opportunities serving and reading.
Sunday School Restarts
Young St Faith’s for primary aged children will meet during the service and rejoin the congregation in time for the Peace.
The Parish Mass
Each Sunday we hear readings from the Bible, pray for the Church and the World and share the Lord’s supper.